Guilty x Creatures Ch. 21

Chapter 21 : Early Evening

Kianna took in a deep breath through her nose as she stretched her legs out and snuggled her face into the soft pillow her head was currently laying on. Her eyes shot open as her still waking mind registered that she was no longer in the tub with her Master. Blinking the drowsiness from her eyes, she found herself staring into the very disheartened looking face of her sister.

"...Fiona!?" she questioned as she lifted her head and took a quick look around.

"Hey..." mumbled Fiona as she shifted her eyes downward and stared into the pillow she was still laying on.

"Wha, what happened!?" asked Kianna as she realized she was now in her sister's room and had been sleeping on her bed "Where's Master!?"

Fiona had an unhappy grimace on her face as she blew a small huff of air out of her nose.

"The Master! Brought you in here a while ago..." she explained as she avoided looking at her sister "He said he had a few some things he needed to get done....And that he'd call us when dinner was ready."

"Dinner!" exclaimed Kianna as she excitedly flexed her stomach muscles "Oh, that sounds good!"

Moving only her eyes, Fiona gave her sister a pointed look as a thin frown took shape on her face.

"Humph! Still feeling empty, huh!? Well that's surprising!" she mocked as she looked away again "So I guess he didn't fill you up enough already!?"

Kianna pointed her ears straight back behind her head as she gave her sister a tired look.

"Ha ha!" she exclaimed dryly as she settled her head back down onto her pillow and glared at her sister "You're such a funny, funny bitch!"

Fiona stared back at her for a moment before looking away with a blink.

"...So." she mumbled as her face softened "...What did he say about me!?"

"...Huh?" questioned Kianna as she shifted an ear upwards to better hear her "Who?"

"Who? What do you mean "who"! Who do you think!?...Didn't you guys talk about me?" implored Fiona as she looked back at her "Didn't he say anything about me!?"

Surprised by the look of concern on her sister's face, Kianna's eyes softened as she shook her head.

"No?" she claimed in a reassuring tone "He never said anything about you? Why do you ask?"

"...Really!?" exclaimed Fiona as her eyes tightened in question "Then what did you guys talk about!?"

"Uh, well? A little bit of past stuff?" answered Kianna with a shrug "We didn't really talk a whole lot. We just kinda got to know each other, I guess?"

"...Right. Got to know each other, huh!?" drawled Fiona as she rolled her eyes "So you guys seriously just fucked the whole time then!? Seriously!? Nothing else!?"

"Wha!? No! Not, not the whole time..." mumbled Kianna as she hid half her face with her pillow "He, also did, some other things too..."

"Like what!?" grumbled Fiona.

"...He, he took care of me!" mumbled Kianna as her ears twitched and a light blush spread across her face "And it was so amazing!"

"...Uh, took care of you, huh?" questioned Fiona "And what does that mean!? Like he got you off!?"

"No! Well! Yeah, he did... He really did... But that's not what I mean!" exclaimed Kianna as she blinked the dreamy look from her eyes "I mean he, took care of, well?...It was my ears....He took care of them...And I, kinda, really liked it..."

"...Okay?...Whatever!" muttered Fiona as she shook her head "So he seriously never said anything about me though!? Are you sure about that!? Like did he ask you anything about me!?"

"No, Fiona! He never said anything about you! He never even mentioned you!" declared Kianna as she tightened her eyes in question "Why are you even asking if he did? Why do you wanna know if he said anything about you?"

"Because!" declared Fiona as she looked away again "I need to know what he's planning! Obviously!"

"Planning?" questioned Kianna as she arched an eyebrow "What do you mean? Planning for what?"

"For me! Dammit!" exclaimed Fiona as she gave her sister a exasperated look "What is he planning for me!? What is he gonna do with me!?"

"...Are you really still on that!" mumbled Kianna as she rolled her eyes "He's not going to "do" anything with you Fiona! He's already said that, I don't know how many times now! So just chill!"

"I don't mean that specifically!" growled Fiona as she hunched in on herself "I mean in general! I know he's got you and your bouncy little ass for that crap! But what about me!? What is he going to do with me!? Am I just gonna end up back in a cage!? Or is he going to make me his servant!? Or is he just gonna keep me as a playmate so his happy "little dark elf" doesn't get lonely!?...Are you sure he didn't say anything!? Anything at all!?"

"He seriously didn't mentioned you even once, Fiona!" stated Kianna as her face became concerned "And as for what he's planning... I guess we'll just have to ask him?"

"What!? No! Are you crazy!? We can't just ask him that!" exclaimed Fiona as she looked back into her pillow and grimaced "No! No, I don't even want to bring it up!"

"Why not?" questioned Kianna as she furrowed her brow "What are you so worried about?"

Fiona's eyes tightened into a tired looking glare as she glanced back at her sister.

"In case you haven't noticed! Oh, dearest sister!" she muttered through her teeth "I'm not exactly your new fuck buddy's favorite person! He might be all kind and gentle to you! But it's not the same with me! In case you forgot, I'm the one whose gonna get my teeth ripped out! So I really don't want to push anything right now! Okay! I'll just be quiet... and maybe he'll just ignore me..."

Kianna was still for a moment as she mulled over what her sister had just said.

"...First of all!" she began as she tightened her eyes into her own glare "You just being "quiet" is never gonna happen! So you can just forget that idea! And secondly! He's only ever been mean to you whenever you start acting like a bitch! He never said that he didn't like you! If fact, all he said was that he didn't want you to bite him! Which that should be pretty simple for you not to do Fiona!...And he didn't even make it so you can't do it! I really don't think he wants to control you. Not like how you think he does at least."

"Oh please! How can you be so stupid!?" exclaimed Fiona as she rolled her eyes "He's setting me up! He's giving out orders and making rules so that when I break them or fuck up he can say he's justified in punishing me! Which is what he really wants! He wants to make me suffer! That's all he really wants to do! But he doesn't want you to think he's a monster for it! So he's going to make it look like it's my fault! This is so obvious! How can you not get it!?"

"...Yeah, right..." drawled Kianna as she stared at her sister for a moment "Or! He just really doesn't want you to bite him!...Which, I'm actually kinda starting to think he might have a thing about being bitten?...Anyways, like I said, not biting him should be a pretty easy thing for you not to do!...Right!?"

Fiona went to speak but stopped short as the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway caused her to go silent. Both of the dark elves turned their heads and trained their ears towards the door as the footsteps came to a stop just in front of it.

"Girls?" called Anton as he tapped on the door with his knuckles "Are you awake?...Dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

The dark elves both remained silent as they looked at each other and then back at the door.

"...Hello?" questioned Anton as he tapped on the door again and waited for a response "Are you two awake in there?"

Again the dark elves remained silent as they stared at the door.

"...Alright you little brats! I cleaned those long ears of yours out myself! So I know you two can hear me!" declared Anton as he folded his arms over his chest "But if you'd rather not answer and just stay silent from now on then I can help make that a lot easier for you! A few of your own gags should do the trick!"

Kianna's eyes went wide as she sat up on her elbow.

"We're awake! We're coming!" she cried as she pointed her ears straight upwards "We'll be down in a minute!"

"Wonderful!" quipped Anton as he moved away from the door "That's all I needed to hear!"

Smiling sheepishly, Kianna listened to him make his way back down the hall before turning to the side and shifting her legs off the edge of the bed.

"See! What did I just say!" exclaimed Fiona in a hushed whisper as she glared at the door "I told you this would happen!"

"Huh?" questioned Kianna as she stood up and gave her a perplexed look "What!? What are you talking about!?"

"I'm talking about him trying to punish us!" exclaimed Fiona as she slid off her side of the bed "You heard him! He just said he's going to gag us!"

Kianna stared at her for a moment before slumping her shoulders with an exasperated sigh.

"Whatever, Fiona..." she mumbled as she slipped on a bathrobe and headed for the door.

The dark elves entered the kitchen just as Anton was coming back inside through the far door that lead to the backyard. At his heels was Molly. The little dog gave the dark elves a passing glance as she followed close behind Anton and otherwise ignored them.

In his hands Anton carried a metal baking tray that held a pile of grilled chicken pieces and the metallic tongs used to take said chicken off the grill.

"Well look who to decided to join me!" mocked Anton as he set the tray of chicken down on a waiting potholder that had already been placed on the table "It must be my lucky day!"

The two dark elves barely even registered that he had spoken as they both became fixated on the pile of freshly grilled chicken.

Without waiting for a response from them, Anton made his way back across the kitchen and stopped in front of the oven. Donning a pair of oven mitts, he opened the oven and pulled out two glass casserole dishes before closing the oven with his foot. Carrying a dish in each hand he quickly made his way back to the table and set them each down on a waiting potholder.

Drawn forward by the aroma of the still steaming food, the dark elves both approached the already set table and stared in silence as Anton set a plate of rolls and a dish of butter down among the other waiting items.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" said Anton as he made his way to the fridge and returned with a pitcher of ice tea "Take you seats!"

The two dark elves quickly came to their senses and took their places at the table across from Anton.

"...So, how's it look?" grinned Anton as he took his seat and watched the dark elves eyes dart back and forth as they looked over the spread before them "Good enough to eat?"

"...What are these!?" questioned Kianna as she and Fiona both sniffed at the two casserole dishes.

"Well, the white pasta one is a Penne noodle bake with a cheesy Alfredo sauce..." explained Anton as he pointed to one of the dishes and then the other "And this one is a green bean and corn casserole, topped with onion crisps....Actually, I forgot to ask. Can dark elves eat onions?"

"Uh, yeah! We can!" answered Kianna as she leaned over towards the casserole and cocked one of her ears in a curious manner "Why wouldn't we be able to!?"

"No specific reason necessarily." answered Anton as he picked up his plate, and taking up a large serving spoon, gave himself a generous helping of the pasta bake "Not every species can eat them though. And I wasn't sure if dark elves could or not."

"Oh, yeah, we can..." mumbled Kianna as she watched him pick up another spoon and scoop out a serving of the casserole "We've never had this before though... It looks kinda weird!"

"It does. But it's good." said Anton as he set his plate down and using the tongs gave himself two of the grilled chicken quarters "I want you both to at least try it. I think you'll be surprised with it."

The dark elves both glanced at each other before quickly serving themselves helpings of each dish and then taking a piece of chicken each.

Anton kept a pointed eye on the dark elves as he poured himself a glass of tea. He grinned as he watched Kianna use the very tip of her tongue to taste the casserole before taking a full bite.

"...Hm! This isn't bad!" she exclaimed as she chewed up the small mouthful "I like the pasta better, but this is good too!"

"Good to hear!" chuckled Anton as he took a sip of his drink.

Fiona had been watching her sister's taste test as well and with a look of suspicion still on her face she eyed her own serving of the casserole. Taking up a small amount on her fork, she took a tentative bite and began to chew it slowly.

Anton couldn't help but to chuckle softly as the dark elf's eyes went wide and before she even finished with the bite she was eating she reached out to put another scoop of it on her plate.

"This is good!" exclaimed Fiona as she ate another mouthful "Did Snotty make this!?"

"...Who?" asked Anton as he creased his eyebrows in question "Who's Snotty?"

"Oh crap!" cried Kianna as she swiveled her head towards the refrigerator and went to rise from her seat "She's still in the freezer!"

"Ugh! Just leave that bitch in there!" exclaimed Fiona as she reached for the plate of rolls and the butter "Seriously! She's the last person I want to deal with right now!"

"Wait, are you talking about Salia?" asked Anton as he looked from one dark elf to another "The shoggoth you had in the freezer?"

"...Yeah!" exclaimed Kianna as she slowly sat back down "Did you meet her already!?"

"I did." nodded Anton as he took the butter after Fiona was finished with it "I found her the first day I was here."

"Oh! Okay..." said Kianna as she looked around the kitchen "Where is she then?...Did you put her back in there?"

"No, she's gone." said Anton as he spread a thin layer of butter across his roll "I guess you could say she quit."

"What!?" exclaimed Fiona "That bitch actually quit!?"

"She's gone!?" cried Kianna at the same time "Where did she go!?"

"Yes, she quit." said Anton as he nodded to Fiona and then turned to Kianna "She's gone back to her actual Master. So I suppose she went to wherever he is."

"What the Hell!?" cried Fiona.

"Wait!? Who let her quit!?" exclaimed Kianna as she turned from Anton to her sister and back "What happened!?"

"I did." said Anton as he gathered up a forkful of pasta "Once I let her out of that jar, and she thawed out a bit. We had a conversation about you two while she cracked your laptops for me. Then she made me a sandwich, and after that she left."

The two dark elves looked at each other before looking back at Anton.

"So wait just a second!" exclaimed Fiona "You're saying she didn't even wonder who you were!? Or why you were here!? She just immediately started to help you rob us!?"

"Didn't she even ask where we were!?" asked Kianna "And why did you let her quit!?"

"Slow down! One at a time!" said Anton as he turned to Fiona "I told her who I was and that I was here because you two kidnapped me as soon as I opened the jar. She never had any issue with helping me, and yes, she did help me to "rob" you."

Fiona's mouth hung open as Anton turned to Kianna.

"She knew where you were, she saw you while you were locked up in the basement." explained Anton as he took another quick bite "I let her quit because she asked if she could. And I said yes, because I really didn't need her here."

"Are you serious!?" cried Fiona as her irises began to glow red with anger "That traitorous bitch really saw us being tortured down there and didn't even try to help us!? She seriously just took off and left us behind!?"

"Mm hm." nodded Anton as he finished chewing a bite of casserole "Yeah, it doesn't sound like you 3 got along very well. At all!"

"No, not really!" declared Kianna as she pointed her ears straight back and stared down at her plate.

"That fucking snot monster!" raged Fiona as she balled her hands into fists "I hate that bitch so much!"

"...Hm." mused Anton as he continued to casually eat while assessing the two clearly irritated dark elves "So, why exactly didn't you guys get along?"

"Because that fucking snot ball is a bitch!" declared Fiona as she looked off to the side and fumed "And she doesn't know how to mind her own business!"

Kianna gave her sister a sideways glance before shifting her eyes to Anton.

"She was... kinda condescending." she explained with a grimace "And it got old, really quick..."

"Kinda condescending!?" exclaimed Fiona as she turned to Kianna and gave her an exasperated look "That bitch was the most passive aggressive cunt in all of creation! We couldn't even go 2 minutes without getting some kind of bullshit snide remark out of her!"

"Snide remark?" questioned Anton as he pulled apart a piece of chicken "What would she say?"

"She, would just say things, like in passing. Mostly about how it's such a shame that two pretty girls like us didn't have any men in our lives. And that maybe we should try a little harder to find ourselves some good men. She would also talk about how dull things were without a man around. And how it was just so much more fulfilling to cook a meal for a man than it was for silly little girls... She always called us girls, and she made it sound like we were stupid..." explained Kianna as her face became more and more annoyed looking "She would also talk about how amazing her Master was. And how he was such an incredible man... Though after a while you could tell just by the things she said about him that he was kind of a total jerk to her... And I really don't think she realized that."

"She didn't! He was! And she deserved it!" declared Fiona as she aggressively pulled apart her own piece of chicken "That monster belongs in a bottle! Her mouth, or mouths, or whatever the Hell they were! Weren't even the worst part about her though! The worst part was that the creepy bitch would follow you around everywhere you went and she would spy on you all the time! Even when you were sleeping! Do you have any idea how fucked up it is to wake up in the middle of the night and see a tiny glowing eyeball floating in the corner of your room and just staring straight at you! And then if you called her out on it she would just stare at you with those weird, freaky eyes of hers! And I swear! Whenever she looked at you and smiled, it always felt like she wanted to eat you! Or, dissolve you, or absorb you! Or however those slimy things do it! You know what I mean though!"

"...Yeah." nodded Anton as he absently gathered a bit of casserole onto his fork "I've got a pretty good idea of what you mean."

"She said she was just trying to learn more about us so that she could serve us better." mumbled Kianna as she shook her head "But I think she was just a creepy person."

"Voidlings are generally a little... off..." mused Anton as he took a sip of his tea and turned to Fiona "Since she kept talking about you needing to find a man. I'm going to guess that you never told her that you're a lesbian?"

The dark elf looked off to the side and pressed her lips into an angry, thin line as Anton took another drink.

"I did tell her! All the time! Over and over again!" growled Fiona as she pointed her ears straight back and scowled "That dumb bitch kept saying that I just haven't met the right man yet! And that I shouldn't worry about it because when I did, I would come to my senses and finally understand what it means to be a woman!"

Anton clamped his hand over his mouth and held in his laughter so as not to spit out his drink. Turning away from the dark elves he recomposed himself before looking back at Fiona.

"Okay, that completely justifies your hatred then!" he exclaimed around a barely controlled chuckle "Wow, you've got to be pretty bold to be that condescending to a dark elf!...I'm actually a little impressed!"

"She was a bitch! Plain and simple!" growled Fiona as she shifted her eyes to Anton "...I doubt she was that way to you though! I bet she just loved serving you since your such a man and all! I'm sure she couldn't wait to make you a sandwich! She was probably a total sweetheart to you! Wasn't she!?"r"


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