Dating a Porn Actress

I'm not exactly sure where to begin. I'll try to limit the backstory as much as possible, and save you the boring details, but here's the history.

So five years ago, my wife Ann asked me for a divorce. I kind of knew it was coming. We were married in our early twenties, and even though we made it twenty two years, for various reasons, it just didn't work out. I wouldn't say it was totally amicable, but for the most part we handled everything like adults.

Everyone knew the reason why we got a divorce. Ann cheated on me. At least twice that I know of. Because of her cheating, friends and family were very supportive of me, including her own friends and family. Their kindness and love were great, but they really didn't know the whole story between Ann and me. I came out looking like the good guy in the divorce, but as everyone knows, there are always two sides to the story.

When Ann and I married, she was twenty four years old, and very attractive. Luckily for Ann and me I guess, the older she got, the better looking she became. She worked out a lot, so she has a very toned body, firm smallish boobs, long blonde hair, and a pretty face with an awesome smile. So you are probably asking, how did I screw this up. Well, here goes.

Simply said, Ann is an extravert, while I would consider myself to be an introvert. She's fun, has a ton of friends, loves going to parties, and participates in the local community theatre. While I on the other hand work in IT, enjoy model railroading, and reading. Also, I don't consider myself to be good looking. I'm in good shape because I do run and exercise, but I was never a chick magnet or considered to be sexy. Ann would say that I am boring, and she'd probably be correct.

It was through one of her theatre friends that I first found out she was cheating on me. By this time Ann was was in her thirties, and she had apparently met a fellow actor and they hit it off. I met the guy at least twice at two different parties. Her friend Julie, who I was also pretty good friends with, called me and said we needed to meet, and soon.

Julie said that over the last year she had seen them together a lot, and knew they were very friendly, but didn't think a whole lot about it until she saw the two of them making out outside of a restaurant. Needless to say, I was pissed.

I of course confronted Ann. At first she denied the allegation. It took a while, but she finally confessed. Strange at it seems, I didn't really know the next step. First, I didn't know what I wanted. I knew I didn't want her sleeping with other guys of course, but I wasn't sure if I wanted a divorce, or wanted to remain married and just consider the affair a bad screwup and just move on.

Ann was remorseful, but she told me she wasn't happy in our marriage, which meant she wasn't happy with me. She said she loved me, but there just wasn't any excitement in our marriage, including the bedroom. I wasn't shocked.

When it came to the bedroom, she just wasn't adventuresome. Don't get me wrong, the sex wasn't bad, it just wasn't as great as I would have wished. I spent too much of my free time playing with model trains and hanging out on the computer. Sure, she shouldn't have cheated, but I was partly to blame. I wasn't meeting her needs.

Over the next few months, we spent more time together, going out to eat, exercising together, and working to hopefully make the marriage work. I told her no more theater work, thinking that's where some of the problems started. She was fine with it.

Amazingly, after about a year after the affair, I kind of just quit ever thinking about it. Ann seemed happy, and we were getting along. About this time, she started a new position at work, which was going to require a lot of travel. She was excited about it, and I was excited for her, but in the back of my mind, I'm thinking is going to be an opportunity for her to meet someone else. I explained to her my feelings. Ann stated there was absolutely nothing to worry about, and what happened before would never happen again. That did not last long.

I'll have to give Ann credit though. She was a lot more protective about her activities this time around. I'm not sure when she started cheating again, with whom, or for how long. It's embarrassing to say, but she could have been at for up to seven years. I never saw any real evidence that would make me think she was having an affair. Everything seemed fairly normal.

When she started traveling for work, she'd would typically fly out on a Tuesday morning, and come back home either on Thursday evening, or Friday late afternoon. We'd go out to eat Friday and Saturday evenings, have sex on Saturday night, and hang out together on Sunday. All day Monday she'd get ready for the work week ahead. It was pretty routine. If and when we had sex, it was pretty routine too.

Yet I loved having sex with Ann. Her body was just perfect. We'd hold each other in bed while lying down. With her backside against my chest, I'd work my hands through her hair and all over her body. She'd immediately turn over and start sucking my cock. When we were dating, and even during the early years of our marriage, she was a bit apprehensive about giving a blow job. That is not the case now. She loves, loves sucking cock. (And apparently not just mine)

After a great blow job, I'd would always go down on her pussy with my tongue. Lets just say I'd give it my best effort. Of course she would use her fingers on her clit to help achieve an orgasm. After she came, I'd crawl on top of her and insert my dick in her pussy. She loved to be fucked hard. She would orgasm multiple times usually, I'm pretty sensitive, so it wouldn't take long before I would cum. Most of the time I would either cum on her stomach or tits. She would then roll over to go to sleep, satisfied, but not thrilled.

It was good, problem was, it was the same thing every time. If she wanted something more from our sex life, she never communicated it to me, and I'm not sure why.

Like I said earlier, life had become very routine. That would all change one Friday night after Ann went to bed after arriving home late from working out of town. Her flight was delayed, so by the time she got to bed, it was around 1 a.m. As soon as she walked in the door, she went to the bedroom, removed her clothes, put on a nighty, brushed her teeth, and hit the bed. Obviously she had had a long and tiring day. When entering the bedroom, she took her suitcase and placed it on the dresser.

I was wide awake, so to be helpful I decided to put her clothes away that were in the suitcase, Underneath a shirt, I found an envelope with her initials. I wouldn't have paid any attention to it, except it was a greeting card type envelope with her initials very nicely written. The envelope had already been opened. My first thought was crap, I missed her birthday or something. But I quickly realized that wasn't the case.

Inside the envelope there was a card with a short note inside. It said something like "Ann, being with you has been the best time of my life. I hope someday we can be together forever. I love you." It was signed by a guy named James.

Fuck! I wanted to wake her up so bad, grab her shit, and throw her out. But I didn't. I slept in the spare bedroom that night. I laid awake for hours, my mind was just racing a hundred miles an hour. I eventually fell asleep, and woke up around nine the next morning.

I walked by the master bedroom and noticed she wasn't there. Holding the envelope with the card inside, I went to the kitchen where she was sitting at a small table eating some fruit. I placed the envelope right in front of her. She didn't say a word. She just looked up at me, somehow knowing I knew the contents inside.

So about a year later, I found myself divorced, single, and living in a new house. Actually, the house is just new to me. It's been around for a long time. A year before I'm living in a fairly new, big house with my wife, and now my whole life has done a 180 and I find myself living in an old, smaller home in a not-so-great neighborhood alone.

The best thing about the house though is that it has a large basement for my model train layout. Don't get me wrong, the house is fine, but it wasn't what I was used to. Little did I know, life itself was going to become what I am not used to either.

The days unfortunately were passing by very fast. Sure, I have my job and a train set, but I didn't really have a life. I knew I had to get out of this funk, get over Ann, and start dating. My friends, and even Ann's former friends were trying to set me up soon after the divorce. They felt bad for me, knowing that I got screwed over by Ann.

I went out on a few dates, but I could never really get into any of the women. They were all great, but my head and heart just wasn't in it. So after a couple of years, friends were no longer setting me up because they had just kind of given up on me. I was a lost cause. I was also sad and depressed.

One morning I woke up up and told myself this has to stop and I needed to make a change. So I decided to do about the dumbest thing ever. Yeah, I joined an internet dating site. For a borderline recluse like myself, this was probably not a good idea, but I wanted to do something different. And oh boy, was this different. I made a profile, not giving a lot of details, but enough to hopefully attract some ladies.

When it came to hobbies, I didn't mention I play with electric trains. I thought it would be a good idea to leave that one out. I'm not sure if women would like the idea of a forty five year old guy who sits in a basement and plays with trains.

The site was pretty good, and there were plenty of profiles to view. There was one profile that for whatever reason really got my attention. Her picture wasn't a close up, so I really had to focus on what she looked like. She was a brunette, tan, not real tall, and she was wearing an oversized sweatshirt that said U.C.L.A across the front.

It almost looked like she didn't want her picture to be taken. After reading her profile, it looked to that she didn't even want to be on a dating site. She wasn't volunteering a lot of information. I was intrigued. Her name was Christy and it appeared that she was an introvert like me. I sent her a brief message and waited for a reply.

Not long after I sent her a message, I got a reply. There was a bit of back-and-forth with the messages, but they were brief on her end. I'm thinking to myself this girl is shy, which isn't something I would typically like in a person. Ann after all wasn't shy, and even though I was still pretty pissed at her, I was looking for someone who was like her. Pretty messed up I know.

Through the messages, Christy told me that she worked downtown as an administrator for an insurance office. So I asked her if she'd like to grab a coffee over her lunch hour on Monday, and she said yes. Due to my work, I have a fairly flexible schedule, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to leave the house on Monday and go downtown.

I'm thinking to myself if the meeting doesn't work out, so what, the coffee at this place is really great. Over the weekend I kept thinking about meeting Christy, and yet I wasn't very anxious. Unlike the previous dates I went on after the divorce, for whatever reason I wasn't nervous about this one. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I'm thinking Christy is going to be shy and reserved. She would prove me wrong.

I arrived at the coffee bar early, ordered a cup, scrolled my phone, and waited for Christy to show up. I was told by a friend that if I get a bad vibe, or if the conversation becomes too awkward, don't waste a lot of time. Just be honest with the person and tell them you don't think this is going to work or that you're not interested.

I kept looking around the coffee bar for Christy. Surprisingly for a Monday afternoon, the place was pretty busy. Sure enough, right at the appointed time, Christy walked in the door. Because she was about thirty feet from me, she looked just like her profile picture. I stood up, waved, and got her attention. As she got closer, I almost went into shock.

Christy's face is absolutely beautiful. Strangely, her lips weren't smiling, but it seemed that her eyes were. She was very nicely dressed in formal business attire, yet the outfit wasn't revealing at all. Her dark hair was beautiful. I introduced myself as a shook her hand. I stood at least a foot taller than her, so I'm thinking she is barely five foot tall.

We sat down across from each other. I just couldn't help but stare at her. This is one gorgeous woman. I kind of forgot where we were, so before we could really start talking, she said she wanted to get a cup of coffee. "Yeah, good one" I'm thinking to myself. I can't believe I didn't offer her some before we sat down.

I followed her to the counter, and while she ordered, I just kept looking her over. I offered to pay, and she accepted. Her cup arrived and we went back to the table, again, taking the same seats.

I knew this was going to be a quick meeting because it was during her lunch hour and we weren't eating here. Yet nothing so far seemed hurried. Christy didn't come across as nervous at all. She seemed confident. She was kind of hard to read though. Maybe she is shy?

Stupidly, we started talking about work. Nothing like talking about work while on lunch. Christy said that she works for a large insurance company, but the office she worked out of was fairly small with only a small handful of employees. She mentioned that she likes her work and the people she works with, but that she mostly spent her time on the phone and a computer helping customers. I had the feeling that she wasn't overly excited about her job.

I told her about my job as a freelance IT guy, working from home, etc. A real yawn fest. I didn't mention anything about model trains. Ann was right. I am boring. I summed up my entire existence to Christy in about one minute. "This is not good," I'm thinking to myself.

There were some long moments of silence in our conversation, but she didn't seem to be bothered by it. It didn't bother me at all. I could have just stared at Christy for the rest of the day. I was so attracted to her. So after about fifteen minutes of not real stimulating conversation, she said she needed walk back to her office, eat, and get back to work. It turns out the coffee shop was only a block away from her office.

So here comes the real awkward part. Is she going to ask me, or am I going to have to ask her about meeting again? This time I stepped up. I wasn't going to blow this chance. So I asked her as she was standing up to leave if she'd like to join me for lunch tomorrow. She seemed to be taken aback by my question, yet with a smile, she said sure.

As we were walking out of the coffee bar, I told her that'd I'd get back to her later on today about lunch tomorrow. With that, we said goodbye and she turned and walked away.

So for the next twenty four hours I couldn't take my mind off Christy. Its wasn't like we had an instant "connection," but I just had a feeling that there was something there, and I really hoped she felt the same. We chatted via text Monday evening, but we didn't really say a whole lot besides "it was nice to meet you today, and where would you like to eat for lunch?" She suggested a Mexican restaurant near her office. When I arrived, the place was packed.

Turns out it was taco Tuesday, so everyone was there to eat cheap. I could barely fit into the entryway. When Christy arrived, we immediately saw each other. She smiled when she saw me. Again, she just looked so cute. Her outfit as very nice. Not too revealing, but I could tell by the clothes she was in decent shape and appeared to have a nice rack.

It was hard to hear in the entryway which was right next to the bar area, so she grabbed me by the wrist and led me through the restaurant to an empty table. A waitress immediately came to the table, and said hi to Christy. Christy said high back, and immediately ordered two tacos and an iced tea, then turned to me waiting for me to order.

I'm thinking to myself, gee, she doesn't eat much No wonder she has a great body. I was pretty hungry, but I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I ordered four tacos and an iced tea.

Because it was loud, we almost had to yell to hear ourselves. Yet, in like two minutes we had our tacos and drinks. This place was fast. So here we are together for our second meeting, and except for saying hi and ordering food, we just didn't have much of a chance to talk. We ate rather quickly since we couldn't really spend time talking. I paid the bill and we left. The check came up to around ten bucks. What a cheap date!

She still had a half an hour before she had to get back to work. So we decided to walk around the block, we me hoping we could get to know each other a little better. Christy didn't say a whole lot. I'd ask her questions, not trying to pry too much. She'd answer them in as few of words possible.

At first I'm perceiving this lack of talking as if she's wasn't really into me. Yet she'd smile a bit and seemed to enjoy walking around the block. She led me to her office, and I kind of took the hint that she had to get back inside. Again, there was an odd moment of silence, so I went for broke, and asked if she'd like to go out to dinner with me. She gave a half smile and said sure. I then asked what's a good night for you, and she surprisingly said how about tonight. Of course I said yes.

With my ex wife Ann, she was the forward, more aggressive one. She would decide where we would go out to eat, what movie we would see, or even where we would vacation. It didn't bother me, but now here I am with Christy and it seems that I'll be the one who will have to be more aggressive in making something happen. This was a real change for me.

I picked her up at her apartment at 6:30. I knocked on the door and she invited me in. Again, she just looked beautiful. For forty eight, she was pretty hot. She was wearing a fairly tight black dress, maybe a little too formal for a Tuesday night dinner, but I knew she was wanting to impress me, and did she ever.

After a quick hello, she said she needed to finish up in the bathroom, and get her jacket. I was left standing near the door which gave me a chance to look around the living room a bit. We continued to chat while she was finishing up.

It was a small apartment, probably a one bedroom. It wasn't cluttered at all. Actually, it was almost under-decorated. She did have a picture on the wall with her and another woman who looked to be slightly younger than herself. I asked Christy who the girl was, and she replied that it was her daughter Emily. I about choked. Emily was younger of course, but they looked really, really similar except Emily had blond hair.

My first thought that it was Christy's sister. I knew Christy had a daughter, but now I realized that she must have had Emily at a pretty young age. Christy came into the living room and caught me staring at the photo. Christy said "she's pretty, isn't she?" I'm thinking to myself, no, she's hot, but of course I said yes, and very much so.

I asked her if Emily lived with her She said no, and that she lives in L.A. with some friends. "Is she going to school in L.A.?" I asked. Christy said no, not right now. Then I asked her what she does for work in L.A., knowing that's it's not the cheapest place to live, Keep in mind, Emily looked to be about twenty years old, so I was just surprised that she wasn't living at home with Christy or with her Dad. (At this point, I never even had a chance to ask Christy about former boyfriends, husbands, that kind of thing.)

Christy seemed to be startled just a bit when I asked if Emily had a job in L.A. For a brief second she seemed to be searching for an answer, but finally said that Emily works for a marketing company near downtown. I didn't think much of the calculated response at the time, but little did I know then that Christy was actually protecting her daughter and the identity of Emily's real career.r"


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